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Aircraft and Aces Ork Air Waaagh! Cards (Inglés)

21,00 €
18,90 €
Ahorras -2,10 €

Disponibilidad: ¡Producto sin stock!

Solo en inglés.

Keep track of your Ork Air Waaagh! aircraft and their upgrades with this handy reference card pack.

This pack contains the following cards:

- 19 Ork Aircraft cards that are ideal references for use in-game for your Dakka Jets, Fighta Bommers, Eavy Bommers and Grot Bommers. Also includes the 'Vulture' and 'Big Burna' reference cards.
- 26 Aircraft Upgrade cards
- 34 Aircraft Weapon cards
- 6 Ground Defences cards including Flak Platform and ’Eavy Flak Kannon
- 8 Ork Aces cards, including the infamous Toofraker and Da Black Barun

You will need a copy of the Aeronautica lmperialis: Wings of Vengeance boxed game or the Rynn's World Air War Campaign book to use the contents of this card pack.


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