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24,00 €
21,60 €
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Disponibilidad: En Stock

Solo en inglés.

Keep track of the sneakiest teams around! This deck of 44 cards helps you focus on your game and reference your stats and special rules. Underworld Denizens teams can include a diverse array of players, so these cards will ensure you have everything you need to hand.

– 8x Player Reference cards for Goblin Linemen, Snotlings, Skaven Clanrats, Skaven Throwers, Gutter Runners, Skaven Blitzers, Trolls, and Mutant Rat Ogres
– 8x Random Events Special Play cards
– 8x Miscellaneous Mayhem Special Play Cards
– 19x Blank Positional Cards, to fill in for each player on your team: 7x Goblin Lineman, 4x Snotling, 3x Skaven Clanrat, 1x Skaven Thrower, 1x Gutter Runner, 1x Skaven Blitzer, 1x Troll, and 1x Mutant Rat Ogre
– One all-important card that explains how to use all of the above cards, with a red card on the reverse


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