Los árbitros de Blood Bowl tienen la gran responsabilidad de interpretar y hacer cumplir los escritos sagrados de Nuffle. Se les confía el deber vital de defender los valores de este bello juego y garantizar que ambos ...
Los Athelorn Avengers ejemplifican todo lo que hace de los Wood Elves uno de los mejores equipos de Blood Bowl: velocidad y agilidad impresionantes, salvajismo inesperado y talento natural. Jugadores estrella como ...
Many Shambling Undead teams set up their games in graveyards. Necromancers like the company of the dead, so it is only natural that they are attracted to such places, not to mention the ready source of reserve players ...
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Don't miss a single play! This deck of 44 cards helps you focus on your game and keep track of your stats and special rules. Old World Alliance teams can include a diverse array of players, so these ...
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Keep track of the sneakiest teams around! This deck of 44 cards helps you focus on your game and reference your stats and special rules. Underworld Denizens teams can include a diverse array of ...
¡Hola de nuevo, fanáticos del deporte! Blood Bowl, el legendario juego de fútbol fantástico, regresa para una nueva temporada de caos deportivo ultra violento. Las jugadas son más grandes, los golpes más duros, y todos ...
Juega partidos de Blood Bowl en este excelente tablero plegable con campos impresos a dos caras. Con las mismas dimensiones que el campo incluido en la caja de juego, por una cara encontrarás un espantoso campo Skaven ...
Este mazo contiene 44 útiles cartas de referencia para un equipo de Blood Bowl de Chaos Chosen, junto con cartas en blanco que permiten a cada entrenador crear sus propios jugadores.
Un mazo de 49 cartas de referencia de Blood Bowl para los equipos de Shambling Undead, como los Champions of Death. Además de tarjetas de datos para cada tipo de jugador Shambling Undead y sus Jugadores Estrella ...
Este mazo contiene 44 útiles cartas de referencia para un equipo de Blood Bowl de Skaven, junto con cartas en blanco que permiten a cada entrenador crear sus propios jugadores.
Este campo de Blood Bowl está impreso en cartón a doble cara y viene con banquillos a juego, siendo el lugar perfecto para que jueguen los equipos de Chaos Chosen. Una de las caras presenta un enorme e imponente templo ...
¡Lleva tu equipo a la gloria!
Presentamos un fantástico libro lleno de equipos para que tu temporada de Blood Bowl arranque de forma espectacular. ¡Death Zone Temporada 1! En este libro de tapa blanda de 48 páginas ...
Greetings, sports fans, and welcome to a smashing new season of Blood Bowl! In this 80-page softback book, you’ll find a host of new content with which to expand and enhance your games – new rules, new teams, new Star ...
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Snotlings win very few games, which means they have very little money to upgrade their Blood Bowl stadia, if they can even be called that with a straight face. More often than not, they'll play their ...
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Blood Bowl is the classic game of fantasy football. It’s all about strategy, grit, and – above all – heinous violence. Two players coach their teams to victory on the pitch, utilising every natural ...
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Inducements! They can be literally game-changing, but how often have you reached the end of the second half and realised you forgot all about an Inducement that you paid hard-earned GP for? This deck ...
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Redesigned with the Second Season ruleset in mind, this deck of 44 cards will help you keep track of stats and profiles your team, positions, and Star Players – plus Special Play cards exclusively for ...
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Ogres are not subtle, but that doesn't mean you don't need a reference for all their special rules, stats and Star Players. This essential deck of 44 cards helps you make the most of your team, ...
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Ogre stadia would be ruggedly handsome, nestled as they often are high up in the mountains, were it not for the bloodstains and craters full of picked-over bones. If you're into that sort of thing, ...
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This deck of 44 cards helps you focus on your game and keep track of your stats and special rules. Old World Alliance teams can include a diverse array of players, so you can have everything you need ...
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Join our esteemed guest editor Jacques O’Lanterne as we dig in to what makes Necromantic Horror teams tick. You’ll thrill to hear how Necromancers put together their teams (literally, in the case of ...
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The exalted (and fabulously wealthy) Lord Baltazär Krüssenfalt Schweiger III guest edits this doubly exciting issue of Spike! Journal. It covers both Imperial Nobility and Black Orc teams to celebrate ...
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The exceptionally fierce Terrence "the Butcher" Iansson wipes the blood off his hands just long enough to guest edit this issue of Spike! Journal packed with eightfold treats. That's right, it's a ...
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Join editor Christoph Pololio on a journey into the Ogre Kingdoms, as he explores the unique culture of the nomadic tribes – and just why they’re drawn so strongly to Blood Bowl. Whilst Ogres are ...
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Stephan Half-Elf is our (very appropriate) guest editor for a very special issue of the dedicated Blood Bowl background and rules magazine, Spike! Journal. He takes a look at something rather unusual ...